A word about, … Almost


All of us can reflect back on our lives and recall occasions, events, moments when things didn’t quite materialize or measure up to or pan out the way we thought they would. Maybe they came close. Almost, though.

The dictionary says “Almost” is very nearly … but not quite,”

When I think about how many things in my life didn’t happen,
But, almost happened,
All kinds of emotions bubble up.

Things I almost said, but I didn’t say.
Things I almost did, but then, I didn’t do.
Successes I almost achieved; very nearly, like the dictionary says, … but not quite.
Disasters that almost befell me.
And moves I almost made, but then decided against.

There are so many scenarios in my life that would have had profoundly different outcomes,
If it hadn’t been for ‘almost.’

At one point in my life, I thought I wanted to be a professional newspaper reporter. I almost did it, too. But almost isn’t close enough.
I’ve experienced accidents that almost happened, too. How about you? And there have been cars I almost bought; Decisions I almost made.
Appointments I almost missed.
I’ve even been so sick I almost … died.

Of course, I’m not the only person on earth whose life would be profoundly different, were it not for that ‘almost’ reality. As I’ve talked about the ‘almost’ events in my life, perhaps you’ve thought of some of those almosts in your life, too.

In The Book of Acts, chapter 26, the Apostle Paul stood before King Agrippa, who had given him an audience and an invitation. The King said, “Tell us about yourself.” Paul took that opportunity to share what might be called his ‘testimony,’ and how he came to know Jesus. Paul was so sincere and convincing in what he said that Agrippa interrupted him at one point to say something quite unexpected. He used that word; that word, ‘almost.’I love the way the King James version translates verse 28 of Acts 26: Agrippa said, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” Paul’s response was heartfelt and sincere. One of the saddest conditions, I think anyone can ever find themselves in is the place King Agrippa found himself: the place of ‘almost being a Christian. The thought of missing out on heaven, when Jesus paid the price for admittace would be a tragedy of unspeakable proportions.

One more thing:
I have to admit it.
It may seem strange, or weird, especially at this point in this piece.

But, I almost didn’t write about almost today.
I almost wrote about something more important than almost.

Then, again, I’m not sure there are many things more important in my life than what almost did or didn’t happen.

How ‘bout you? If you’d like to know more about how to become a Christian? I’d be honored to correspond with you. You can write me at kenjones@classicstateofmind.com. I promise, I’ll answer.

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