A Word About, … Another Ending


One of my favorite storytellers is Mark Twain. I have a picture of him, in fact, hanging in my office. He grew up in Hannibal, Missouri and I grew up near St. Louis. His ‘times’ were much different than mine, his personal life tragic in many ways, but his ability to tell a story and spin a yarn mesmerized me when I was a little boy. When I read about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, I remember not wanting those books to end. I wanted them to go on.

Of course, books have endings. In fact, everything has an ending, if it ever had a beginning. As 2024 draws to a close, I look back on where I’ve been and reflect on what this year might hold. And while the uncertainties of a new year’s beginning can be unsettling, the fact that God has been faithful to see me through another year gives me courage for tomorrow. Looking back helps me look forward. To quote the last sentence in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, “I been there before.”

So, as I reflect on where I’ve been, here are three things I’ve seen as I come to the another ending of another year:

First, I noticed that serving God this year is still really fun. I get tired, of course. That’s not new. But as Huckleberry said, “I’ve been there before.” I’d rather be tired than bored to tears, wouldn’t you? When you’re serving the God who holds eternity in his hand, time has a way of looking ‘different,’ I think. No matter what I find myself doing in service to God, I’m really enjoying myself. Perhaps the root of that word ‘enjoy’ is the reason. The Book says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.’ I’ve found that to be true.

The second thing I’ve noticed this past year is a growing need in my life for simply taking time to think. Asking myself simple questions; questions like, “What on earth am I thinking?” seems to be more and more valuable as the days go by. Letting my mind wander off into worrisome places is not beneficial to my spiritual man. The words of The Book are true: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.” (Isa. 26:3)

And a third thing I’ve noticed is how incredibly important people are in my life. I find myself noticing people, more, I think. In my younger days, I’m afraid there were seasons in my life when I didn’t listen to people and their stories as carefully as I might have. In this last year, I’ve been careful to try to watch people, listen to people, care for people, because of course, people are the only ones who go to heaven.

And finally, I look back to discover I’m not finished yet. I know I’m not finished because I can still look back to see where I’ve been this past year. Huck was right: “I been here before.” I know. I know there will come a time when I’ll be interrupted, mid-sentence with His loving call Home. In the meantime, another ending to another year, orchestrated by the great God of all there is. My prayer today is that every soul within the sound of my feeble voice will experience a wonderful sense of how good God is and how faithful He has been as this year winds to a close.

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