Sometimes, I catch myself saying things I haven’t really thought through. They’re often phrases that I use, but when I really examine them, I discover are pretty empty of meaning, really. They’re almost like ‘fillers’ or ‘fluff’ in trying to communicate.
For example, I caught myself the other day using the phrase, “It goes without saying …” and then I went ahead and said something that didn’t really need to be said, because it went without saying. The reason it goes without saying is because it’s already a well-established fact or reality. For example, doesn’t it go without saying that God is in control? Perhaps. But that then introduces another often used phrase: “It bears repeating.”
When I catch myself using that phrase, it’s usually because there’s a truth that may be widely known and acknowledged, but may not necessarily be lived out. It’s already been declared many, many times, perhaps. But, because perhaps it’s being neglected or ignored, it bears repeating.
If I share something here on Classic State of Mind that goes without saying, I’m assuming what I’m sharing is so widely known and accepted by my listeners that it is a fact. It’s not debatable. For example, it goes without saying that in this world, we will have tribulation. No one in their right mind would argue with that reality.
But close on the heels of that fact that goes with saying is another truth, widely known of course, but bears repeating: Be of good cheer, for Jesus has overcome the world! He said that.
You may, at this point be wondering … yes, and so what’s your point?
Well, I’ve noticed in my life that it is incredibly important what kinds of things I attach to those two phrases. If I confuse the two ideas, the consequences can be profound, discouraging, and nothing like what God has in mind for my life.
What happens inside of me, I wonder, if I remind myself too often about something that doesn’t really bear repeating? I mean, how often do I need to repeat to myself that in the world, I will have tribulations?” If I get up every morning, and I say to myself, “It goes without saying, in the world I’m going to have tribulations. Buckle up, me. It’s going to be a tough day.” — I don’t think I’ve done myself any favor.
And since it goes without saying that in the world I’ll have tribulation, how would it be if I just stopped saying something that desperately bears repeating. What would my life be like if what bears repeating … wasn’t ever repeated? For example, what if I never reminded myself, ‘Be of good cheer; Jesus has overcome the world?”
Matthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Nothing can be added to the truth of God’s Word. Nothing can be taken from it. Because Jesus said it, it goes without saying. But I’ll still say it, anyway, because it bears repeating, over and over and over again.